OK, since you bitch-ranted me a couple weeks ago about the user titles, I think it's time for my ABR, or Acronym Bitch Rant. (pause for irony)

"AOL" is America Online. I realize that in this context it means "Already On List" (or at least I think so.) However, this is a blatant example of acronym abuse. How hard is it to type "already on list?" or even "on the list?" Nobody looks at "AOL" and thinks "Already On List." What people say when they (ab)use acronyms like this is that their 5 seconds of time to type out the full meaning is worth more than the >=5 seconds * hundreds of people that are going to think AOL, realize that you're not talking about America Online, and then figure out what it really means. This is lazy at best, arrogant at worst.

As a side rant, my latest acronym pet peeve (a spot formerly held by nested acronyms like "JAX-RPC") is people who use variations on "IANAL" or "I Am Not a Lawyer." This is especially common on Slashdot. IANAL is a quasi-well-known acronym that doesn't need to be expanded... As in "IANAL, but that's illegal." But then people want to use it for other professions.. So they say "IANAP" but because that could mean "I Am Not a Programmer" or "I Am Not a Petunia," they then have to write out the expansion of the acronym, thereby defeating the whole purpose of using the fscking acronym. It's all in an effort to (ab)use a cool trendy acronym, but defeats the whole purpose of using one in the first place.

And yes, it took me much longer to rant about this than it did for me to figure out what you meant, but you caught me in a ranting mood.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff