Don't remember seeing that. Can you find the link and post it here?
Maybe I just don't know how to search... all my posts have "--The Amigo" at bottom. Searching for "amigo terminal" results in zero matches, yet searching for "terminal server" shows a few hits that also have my .sig... does the search not include .sigs?
Anyway, here's what I've found:
A thread about
making smart serial devices that could daisy chain.
The one I was really looking for is the
thread about TINI. I couldn't remember what it was called so it took me a while to find it.
There's also this
very promising thread that links to a product which says they offer source code so you can compile the drivers on Linux. But the thread also says its expensive. I didn't see prices on their web page so I don't know if it's changed.
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Net Link for UNIX (EDAS-1003S-5)
* Source code provided
* Can be ported to any variant of UNIX, including Linux