ok.. have added some of the features...

> - Option to vertically flip the pixels in addition to inverting the colors?
> Mine came out upside-down when I did it, and I had to flip it in my paint
> program for it to work right.
i've had the same problem.. added options to flip the pictures...

> - Remember the last file names entered in the three filename boxes?
filenames and selected options are now saved.

- Incorporate the downloading code with an option to choose the COM port from a drop-down list?
that would be the next step to do ... the problem is that my program is in basic and the download-tool is a c-source.. i've somebody has the time to edit the program so that you can select the COM-port from the command-line and i would the integrate it, so that the download.exe is executed from inside my program.

let's have fun and download the new version (0.8) from http://www.kos.li/empeg/convert.exe

sorry hadn't have time to add more features... perhaps this evening or so... we'll see...

thanks for replys and feedback !