OK, so I have these two thoughts wandering around in my mind. There's probably good answers to both of them - more than likely "no" - but I thought I'd ask.

1) The Mk 2 will accept HDDs up to 19.5mm thick according to the FAQ. If "normal" HDDs are 9 or 9.5 mm thick, does that mean you could stack your two drives on top of each other in one bay, leaving the other bay clear for add-ons like the digital output board ?

2) Yes, I know the guys at Empeg / Rio spent a lot of time designing it to use 2.5" drives, but if you were desperate for more storage and had a cheap 3.5" drive available, could you mount it across the two bays and just run the risk of the HDD dying on you ?



Edited by sundayjumper (04/10/2002 15:15)
Mk2a 10+40Gb Darkstorm Neon Red Nakamichi CD45z, Genesis Five Channel, Genesis A16s, JL 8W6 x3