Of course dear Sven,
but (this is just a suggestion for your wonderful kicking-ass projet) for example, if you split the screen in 2(2x64x32) or 3 parts: 1st 32x32 for left infos (way,arrow...), 64x32 for a small but not useless map (normal or 3d suggestive view ;-), and 32x32 right infos (speed, time, compass...), it could be nice.
Or we could have an optional virtual screen map able to scroll w/ the knob/stalk or st like that...
For the text stuff, yes a-a of course! I remember on my old CPC464 w/ green screen, once a text was a-aed, it looks very much nicer with a dpi resolution lesser than the empeg! It's obvious with the 4 gs a-a small empeg logo during bootup.
An other use: if you wanna put a real (b/w) picture on the VFD; it's impossible with only 4 greyscales.
I'd like to help you for your project, but i'm not used w/ linux; maybe in a couple of month...



David Clesse
David Clesse Belgium/Lux [blue]Mk2[/blue]-36g-tuner-stick-aug00 [orange]Riocar[/orange]-60g-jan02