Okay, I think I got preinit and GPSapp installed. Finally. Thanks, everyone, for all your help. Now to interface my Rand Mcnally unit to the player (I'll take those questions to another thread).

Jaharkes, your installation instructions in the readme need clarification. For example, you don't say that you need "incar" uploaded to /programs0, though I gleaned that this would be necessary so I did that and it seems to work. You also did not say that you need to chmod 755 all the files, which I also gleaned would be necessary. And to run the hack_init, you did not say it has to be ./hack_init in order to work. And I don't know if hack_init sets the drives back to read only, but its onscreen prompt says to reboot. If I had rebooted when it said to, and hadn't done an RO, I'll bet I would have been in trouble, huh?

Also, my player is in home mode but I still see GPS in the Hijack menu. Does that mean the "incar" test in the M50gpsapp script didn't work?
Tony Fabris