I had to give them a $20 deposit when I got the transponder but that was all as far as startup costs. And it was only a deposit. Technically I could get it back if I turned the transponder in.

Nope. Wrong. Didn't you get the memo? That "deposit" of $20+ was a deposit until a little while ago, then the MassPike folks sent out a nice letter saying that people had to buy the pass. If you wanted your "deposit" back you had to hand it in within 90 days of the notice. And that was about a year ago.

I wonder what percentage Massachusetts is getting on my $20?

quote from Fast Lane web site Terms and Conditions

j) If you return your transponder(s) within ninety (90) days of opening your FAST LANE account, or for existing customers if you return your transponder(s) within ninety (90) days of receiving these new terms and conditions, and it is in good working condition (not damaged or defaced) you will receive a refund of $22.50 for each interior transponder and $28.50 for each exterior transponder. No refunds will be paid for transponder(s) after ninety (90) days.

Sly bastards aren't they?