I believe I will proceed with caution here, however since I'm going to be fully re-encoding most of my CD's (Many, even most were encoded at 128 mp3) I believe I will use WMA for some files, pending more research....

I believe there are tools similar to tag studio that work on wma as well. I've just started looking at the various offerings that support wma, and was actually suprised how many tools do support it.

Question: jemplode right now can do somewhat rudimentary backup of the empeg. I believe it can copy files, name them according to rules, and write tags... Am I wrong about the tag thing? I would assume that it will not be able to write tags for wma files? This migth be a concern, although if there's enough interest and jemplode or emplode (as per prior thread) become capable of true backup I would ask that wma support be included.

Empeg Mk2a 60G