Years ago, in the days of the original Motorola flip-phones, I had a portable CD player that I plugged into my car's cassette deck. I noticed that every once in a while, the CD player would just stop. The odd thing is that I never seemed to notice it stop; it would just occur to me all of a sudden.

Turns out that, when in the car, I placed my flip-phone in a dash pocket, and the cable running from the CD player to the cassette deck ran just above it. When the phone would get an incoming call, it would apparently generate enough of a magnetic field to induce a current in that cable, which, for some reason, turned the CD player off. I never noticed it turning off because I'd answer the phone and want the player to be paused, not noticing that I never actually did it.

I moved the cable so that it didn't run so close to the phone, and that solved the problem. Until I noticed that I now had to pause the CD player myself, which was no fun. So I strung the cable back the way it was before and considered it a feature.
Bitt Faulk