Tony just informed me that I was not the only person to experience the BBS crash on Tuesday 10/15 <??>. I'll stick my neck out and say I thought I was the cause, honestly. I hopped on the BBS at 11:16pm EST (so says my Netscape History) and started "Opening In New Window" all the threads that looked interesting.
At 11:23pm, I opened the "General" board. Seeing 5 topics I wanted to read, I happily clicked "Open In New Window" on all 5 in rapid succession. 2 loaded but the next 3 loaded in a strange way. The Empeg graphic at the top of each forum page was shifted down about half way on the screen. Doing a Ctrl-A, I was able to see the black-on-black text that was pushing the image down.
It was a SQL server error. Well, 4 of them, really. It was two repetitions of two different error messages. Damned if I can go through my cache and get the error, but I know it hit at 11:26pm EST.
Anyway, I found myself logged out. When I tried to log back in, I got a "Can Not Proceed" error, or something. This happened Wednesday, Thursday, and today (Friday). Feeling withdrawal from the board, I attempted to fix the problem, thinking it was with me.
Erasing my cookies file let me at least try to log in. I created a new user (FireFox32, who you won't hear much from probably) and was able to use it. My current user (FireFox31) was erased. So, I recreated FF31. To my surprise, I had all the PM's that I received before the crash. Unfortunately, my # of postings and personal settings were gone. Guess I'm a "new poster" again.
I hope that provides some insight into the BBS problems (if any). Sorry if I took down the BBS. I won't hit it so hard in the future.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set