One of my cats really wants to kill it. The other one is terrified by it.

It's a good start, but like you said, it should go back and recharge itself when it's done. I'd like it better if it went room to room without assistance too.

It works well on wood and tile parts of the floors, not so good on the carpet, which really doesn't matter to me since the only room in the apartment that's carpeted is my closet. My living room is a little too big for it, and it won't work in there any more after the area rug comes back from being cleaned, since it only works on thinner carpets.

I'd prefer it if they made a mop that works like this personally. It still sounds like a vacuum cleaner, which is what I hate about vacuuming. And the floors just look better after being mopped.

But it was still a pretty cool gift.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony