"Still even now, there is no in-car mp3 or otherwsie unit available for under $2000 "

"I'm not aware of any for over $2000 either."

Well, not one "in production", but it is reasonably simple for a "technical" person to build a CarPC that plays mp3s among other media with an LCD display, controls, and more that will match up well against the empeg, and do so for a damn good price too.

Sure, the portability may not quite be there, but were it not for the empeg "firesale" I would have that alternative in my vehicle today(a good 5 years after I started thinking about building one)..

For a higher price it would be possible to use an embedded PC and make an in-dash unit as well, though it has been so long since I looked into those devices I don't know if anyone has done it yet nor the quality/availablity of such devices, but a few years ago one could get embedded PCs the size of a 3-1/2 inch hard drive.

Yes of course it doesn't quite compare but the empeg is not some deified uber-unique gizmo that makes all who own it have divine right. There are reasonably functional alternatives..

-John M