I might be exagerating, but I don't thing I've seen a California Highway Patrol car with a lightbar in the last year... You just have to get good at spotting the full size american made sedans (or their headlights). Luckily enough, 80% of them on the roads here are police cruisers of some kind. There's a carmaro down south of san jose which they seem to take out on 85 and 280 which has scared the bejeebies out of me, as that's one of nicest freeways around the bay area...

Back when I used to */really/* speed I had it down to a science. You get out on the nice open road, and you go >10 over what everyone else is going. If someone starts gaining on you from behind, you pull into that slow lane as fast as possible. Then you've only got to make sure you don't fly by one...
