So as to not go on a tangent in the other thread, I have specific questions about a couple of things my Tivo has done.

1) On Sundays in the fall, if the Redskins are playing at 4PM, I simply set up Tivo to start recording Fox at 4 and end at about 9, thus making sure I got the Simpsons. I did this today, and was glad I did, because the Simpsons went over the hour or half hour marker by a few minutes, right at the end of the additional time I added to the recording. What I couldn't figure out was that Tivo recorded the exact 4 minutes over. How did it know??

2) I used that ancient of recording machines, the VCR, to record a Daily Show segment on a scandal at UNC for my Islam class. When the teacher stopped the tape in class, I noticed that the screen said "The Daily Show." I was amazed that the program title transfered from Tivo to VHS. Can someone explain how this works to me? I found it very interesting.