How about some real world info?
I took my G2 with me on my road trip. I was shooting pictures all day, averaging around 100 a day. I tried to turn the camera off between shots, but I occasionally would leave it on for minutes at a time.
The camera had absolutely no problems with running out of juice on the battery that came with it. I'd try to recharge it every night, though. A few times I forgot. When I did, I was able to get about another 1/2-full day of shots out of it before I needed to recharge it. I only killed the battery once, but just plugged it in at the pub I stopped at for lunch. Was ready to go for the rest of the day with just one hour of charging.
Overall, I was very impressed.
If you're interested in seeing some of the pics, check here:¬ag=1
Pardon the Shutterfly link, but it's the only place I have the pics online right now.