I already have to manually set the cable box as well as the VCR now, so how will Tivo/Replay help me.

You can instruct Tivo to always get a specified program using a Season Pass. That way, you don't have to remember to set a recording or check for schedule changes. Also, say you had a SP for Frasier and they reached the end of the series, you can simply leave the SP in place and when the next season broadcasts Tivo will start recording it again without you having to remember.
SP's are also prioritised, this dictates how conflicts are resolved. E.g. Assuming you had an SP for Frasier and Friends: If Frasier was a higher priority than Friends and they were both broadcast at the same time then only Frasier would be recorded. The bonus is that if the missed episode was repeated at another time (even on another channel) it would record it for you.
A lot of this relies heavily on the accuracy of the guide data that Tivo downloads daily which is subject to errors. Personally I haven't had too many problems with this but I did miss an episode of 24 which was a real pisser. That said, I probably would have missed much more if it was down to me to set manual/repeat recordings on the VCR.

This pause live tv deal is great IF you watch live tv. I don't, I am a timeshifter, so apart from football games I never watch live TV.

Not watching real live TV is one of the things that makes PVRs great. One example of this was when I wanted to watch a programme 'live' but got held up on the 'phone for 25 mins. After the call I started watching the programme from the beginning while TiVo was still recording. Because TiVo had already buffered 25mins of the broadcast, I was able to skip through every advert break in the 2 hour programme and had caught up with 'real time' for the last 15 mins.

All I want to do is save to my hard disk to watch, burn stuff to DVD if I want to save it (after removing the commercials).

You can break the seal and add a network adapter to TiVo, I believe you can then grab mpeg's from the HDD with this installed. It's an unsupported hack which may not appeal though. If you're interested further check www.9thtee.com