I don't think it will be about developing crap products. If the record industry exercise their muscle to prevent any kind of DAE from CD then I'd suggest there is no market for good OR crap products.

What I meant was, there would probably be a market for DRM-only digital audio players, if non-DRM-only ones were illegal. But that would be a crap product, as it would obsolete everyone's existing music library.

Maybe we could go develop a new kind of missile or phone tapping system - you know, the kind of products the government actually approves of.

I guess the closest analogy in US history would be Prohibition: we brewers and vintners would just have to temporarily retire (perhaps producing products of the "do-not-dilute-this-grape-concentrate-with-four-volumes-of-water-and-leave-in-a-dark-place-or-an-illegal-alcoholic-substance-may-result" type) until legislators come to their senses and sheepishly put things back how they were before.
