I'm having Nvidia Driver trouble, anyone got any clues?

I want to upgrade to the Detonator 4 drivers. I am running a GeForce2 GTS card with 64mb of video RAM.

I used the Detonator 3 drivers for a long time with no problems, and ran my desktop at 1152x864 for many moons. I can go back to these drivers if I want (and I have) and everything works normally.

But upgrading to the Detonator 4 drivers (Tried the betas as well as the WHQL certified ones dated nov.8 2002) results in a screen that can't go any larger than 720x576. The settings panel only allows that resolution, and only in 32-bit color. I can't change it to anything else.

I would say that it was the result of the monitor not being detected properly, but I have tried every possible combination of monitor driver and "detect plug and play monitor" on/off possible, and none of those options work to allow me to change the resolution. Doesn't matter if I use a generic SuperVGA monitor type, or if I select specific drivers for the monitor, or what. It doesn't care.

In the past, when something like this happened, I was able to go into the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\0000 area of the registry and edit the MODES subkey to insert any video modes I wanted. Even this does not work now, all of the modes are there, but they are not offered as options in the driver.

Nvidia says that if this happens, I should download MULTIREZ from Entech. But I'm already running Multirez and it does not offer me any other video options, either.

I've noticed that 720x576 is a PAL video mode. Wonder if that has anything to do with it? (Note that the Nvidia control panel clearly states that I am using an analog computer monitor, not a television display. The driver is smart enough to know that this card doesn't even have a TV-out and those options are grayed in its control panel.)

Any ideas?
Tony Fabris