I found the following by doing a Google Groups search (the thread is in French, this is an excerpt). The thread was dated 10/7. The thread was titled "[Jaguar] Kerberos, Active Directory,..."

> Active Directory authentication in Jaguar--how real is it?
> October 4, 2002 -- Steven Allred reports that an Apple rep told him that
> the advertised ability of Mac OS X 10.2 to authenticate to a Windows
> Active Directory server is not actually in Mac OS X. His report:
> I am a Computer Specialist for a large creative entertainment company. We
> have been working with Apple for a month now on getting Active Directory
> (AD) authentication to work. There are the facts as I know them for our
> Sr. Apple Engineer assigned to our company. He has said that the
> advertisements for AD support (10.2 box, and Apple's website) is ahead for
> the actual abilities of the product. He has continued to say that he has
> only found one guy at Apple that is currently working on this, and they
> get promising that it will be able to demonstrate it to us, but so far
> nada. Having an Xserve does improve the ability to do AD authentication,
> but it is still not 100 percent ready.
> Currently, it does not work right out of the box (as advertised), as you
> need plug-ins that are not yet finalized by Apple. It requires you to add
> and make adjustments to the AD server that haven't yet been thoroughly
> tested or verified or signed off by Microsoft for any possible security
> issues. It will be very hard or impossible for us to apply any changes to
> our AD servers for OS X client to authenticate. If you know any other
> information or no anyone who has this working please let me know and I'll
> share it with Apple. (As we reported earlier this year, it is possible to
> integrate Macs using a Mac OS X server on the network. With Mac OS X 10.2,
> Apple claims you don't need a Mac OS X Server.)

