Tom, did you actually look at the "extra features" on the first release of the movie? If so, you'd realize that it really only had a single "behind the scenes" video. Sure, they may have said there were 4 or 5, but the exact same clips/interviews/points were used in each one. By the last one, I was bored to tears.

By the looks of the new set, it is far more unique. Lets face it, this is the biggest DVD release ever. Even if you think that they shouldn't have had to spread it across 4 discs, there are more features on this set than on anything else I've seen.

Besides, how the hell are they "milking the fans to death"? You can get this 4 disc, feature-filled, totally awesome movie for $25 at Target. Considering how often new releases of movies come out, to be able to buy this set for so cheap is amazing.

I got the Die Hard DVD set for Christmas one year. It had been out for a couple years, but I asked for it for Christmas because it was like $55 to $70. Then, about 2 months later, they came out with the special edition of it. In the same price range. That pissed me off. That's much worse than this release.

For a real summary of what you'll find on the new release, check out this review.