schofiel: always the bringer of good news are you. Haha.
This is nuts. Does this remind anyone of that one copy protex scheme that "the industry" spent millions to implement and it was hacked in seconds. Was that Divx, DVD protection, or what... I forget.
Anyway, my work depends on p2p collaboration software. If the government decides to make Denial of Service attacks legal, what if they hit the p2p network I use for my totally legal software? Not good.
And won't the Gnutella community just change the protocols to become immune to the DoS attacks? I mean, the computer security community does that on a regular basis; what's to stop the Gnutella community? Oh, maybe the fact that Gnutella has become bloated, entrenched, and dependant on spyware-laden greedy software companies to produce their software. Yeah, looks like p2p may be doing downhill. Hey, maybe they got too big for their own good.
There's always FTP! :^)
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