I usually bring the beer down to the utility sink, which is near where I poor into the carboy. I set it in the sink, and then stick a large diameter piece of rubber tube into the drain. It's cut so that the top is just about the height of the level of the wprt in the pot. Then, I turn the cold water on to fill up the sink (the tube lets the overflow go down the drain without floating the pot). Once full, I turn it back down just to a trickle. It tends to circulate around the pot, and I can leave it unattended. It only takes me about 45 - 60 minutes to get the entire pot down to "pretty well cooled". After that, I dump it into the carboy (strain it actually). Then, I fill it up with so much cold water that it's real easy to get the whole concoction down to room temperature or beyond, more than cool enough to pitch the yeast. So - the wort chiller is nice, but for me anyway it would only save about 1/2 hour (My roommate and I both brewed a sea of beer, and he'd use it when he was in charge - typically his projects went about that cited 30 minutes faster).
I'll attach pictures of the fridge I use: The first is just the outside, as it sits underneath of the workbench in the utility room.
126431-DSC00873.JPG (101 downloads)