As you may remember, I own a motorhome, as a consequence of which I belong to the Caravan Club(that's just to make clear to you that I'm not a caravan you've been cursing, because you can't overtake!).

In the latest issue their is an article on how a caravanner bought down the entire air traffic control at Gatwick, by leaving his TV booster on whilst his caravan was in storage near the airport. The US tracker base at Memwith Hill just to the north of me, interferes consistently with MW, and with FM, when you're up close. When I was a kid, the radar at Biggin Hill interfered with Radio Luxembourg each time it turned round.

So I can understand how with the sort of power an airport is using, to interfere with an Empeg is quite likely - .
All of which is to say that you may have a problem without a 100% solution.

If you want to let me have the upgrade, I'll go and sit outside Memwith Hill and test it out. They're so twitchy, it's probably a good way to get a holiday on the wrong side of Cuba!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag