Ha, they'll promote this technology just like they promote the GD MagicGate Memory Stick. Do you know that there is a built in MagicGate Memory Stick drive on every piece of Sony equipment in production today? Yeah, no lie (well, except the PS2, that is).

I seen 'em on digicams (of course)
They claim they are usefull on their video cameras (as if a 16 meg stick was good for anything at all)
Hey, they found space for them in their indash MP3 CD player (um, why 16 meg when you have a 650 meg CD)

And, the thing that convinced me that MagicGate Memory Stick media drives are on every Sony product in existance:

I saw one in the bottom left corner of a big Sony Trinitron TV the other day. What, do they expect you to TiVO your shows onto a 16 meg stick! (kidding of course, i guess they expect you to display yout 640x480 pics from your mavica on there).

And what the HEdoublehockeysticks is "Magic Gate" anyway? Ok, "Smart Media" sounds dumb, "Secure Digital" sounds worse, and "MultiMedia Card" gives you little or no indication of what the device is. (this leaves "compact flash, which is superior, of course).

So, yes, this copy protex feature will never gain acceptance just like everything else but Sony will end up trying to integrate it into their VIAO laptops and old cassette walkmans. And the HaX0rs laugh as they write a crack for the auth key.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set