Where are you pinging from? What does it use for name resolution? What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
I was pinging from multiple Windows workstations attached only to the Corporate net. I want this Samba server to be accessable by name from either network either via the normal Network Neighboorhood, or by typing \\ and it's name from the run box. Neither works right now for Corporate machines since the WINS address is coming back with an inaccessable (to them) IP.
try nmblookup
It confirms the problem. Even after 3 days since the interface swap, the WINS server shows the Deadnet address as the WINS address for the box. Not knowing the types to put after the # sign, I tried it without, and it's returning 00 for the type.
I've also got a perl script to set WINS entries on a remote WINS-server.
I'd be interested in this, so I can get this machine accessable. I'm supprised there is no way to do this in Samba. By what I can tell, this problem was talked about on their listserv back in 99, but was never fully resolved.