I have a difficult time with the manner in which this country is continuing to wittle away our rights. I understand that wearing a seatbelt saves lives. I wear mine. However, it is clear that the mission of the government is not to protect our rights but to have access to every facet of our lives while giving the illusion of freedom. I love America, I am an American and proud of what it stands for, or used to stand for. Freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom to choose elected officials. Unfortunately I see many of these freedoms being removed or restricted,and its all for money. If the seatbelt law is right because it saves lives(which it does) why are motorcycles not illegal? Why is rock climbing not illegal? Why is smoking or alcohol not illegal? I would guess that more people die of smoking than of not wearing a seat belt? I think it is a matter of revenue for the state and federal governments more than anything. The taxation on tobacco and alcohol is big business. You can't tax the used of my seatbelt but you can sure fine against it's disuse. It's all about money. Power rules and money is power.
No matter where you might be, there you are.