<spelling police mode>
LCD display

You are aware that you just wrote "liquid crytsal display display", right?
</spelling police mode>

Acronymfinder.com has it both ways, LCD=Liquid Crystal Diode or Liquid Crystal Display. I always knew it as the former for years.
Anyway I still prefer the current type display if it could only be a bit brighter. My friends all have different types of displays on their stereos from LCD to OEL and while some are a tad more readable in the daylight they are way to busy and in a smaller screen size. That's what the pet peeve was on my old Kenwood HU, too many buttons that had double uses and me not remembering how to use the seldom used but important button sequences. I know, the Empeg has multiple button sequences as well but for some reason I have no trouble with them I guess because of the more logical way they are implemented.
I too would very much like to see voice used to it's fullest capacity.