I just corresponded with Mike, and he's keen on this. Not only is he willing to release the latest versions of his Empeg disk-formatter utility at the main empeg.com web site, but he'd like for any drive-upgrade FAQ we write to eventually go there, too (if possible).
While I'm preparing this, there's one question where I'm not totally familiar with the answer. If anyone can point me to the definitive answer for this, I'd like to include it in the FAQ:
If I've just formatted a whole new disk, and I want to copy the music data from one existing small drive (say, drive0) to the newly-formatted bigger drive (say, drive1, assuming that I've already installed the latest .upgrade file to that drive so it's got the proper partitions/player/kernel in there), what folders/files must be copied to preserve the playlists and the music files?
And if I originally had 2 small drives (say, two 4's) and I wanted to do this in two stages (say copy each of the 4's to a newly-formatted 18), are the folders the same, and are there any duplicate file names I have to worry about?
Tony Fabris