So, here's what's going on. Empeg was working fine after I initially got it. Then one day I decided to brave an upgrade to the hijack kernel. Everything was fine, except that when I turned my car off, the player would stop, but the LED would continue blinking, and would draw power from the car. I tried everything I could to fix this, even going so far as to basically rebuild the entire empeg's os. Nothing worked. So I just dealt with it, and removed it and put it under the seat or took it with me inside.

Then one day I upgraded to v291, and voila! No more problem. It would completely power off when I turned the car off. I did no other change (I think) than this.

Then the other day, I decided to upgrade to v300. Same problem again! I know for sure I changed nothing but this, other than updating some music. So when I got home later that evening, I downgraded to v291 again. Put it in my car, now does it not completely power off as it should, but the player doesn't even stop. Also, I noticed (and this may've been in the initial v300 upgrade as well, I don't remember) but I no longer have a fader option for the sound, nor can I have a 4 channel equalizer.

So does anyone have any idea what the deal is? Am I smoking crack? Is my empeg smoking crack?