This is why the saddle(seat) manufactures started making saddles with a little cut out...

No, the little cut-out is to relieve the pressure on the artery passing blood to the penis (perineal artery, I think). It's an effort to reduce the chance of getting a numb penis, which can potentially lead to impotence. This study is about completely different problems.

This news report is completely useless, since it tells you nothing about the study or the control group. For instance, if the cyclists wore spandex bike shorts while riding, and the control group wore boxers as opposed to Y-fronts/tighty-whities/briefs, that could account for the sperm differences. It's been shown that men who wear briefs also have lower sperm counts and motility than men that wear boxers. And what of the lifestyle of the control group? Were they sedentary, or did they have an active lifestyle that just didn't include lots of biking? It also says nothing about accident rate of those cyclists -- were they involved in frequent crashes where they knocked their danglies on the top tube or stem? It also fails to mention what type of bikes the people in the study rode (hard-tail?) or what type of trails they rode (rolling hardpack, or rocky/rooty?) or the length and frequency of their rides. It also says nothing about age categories, or how long the riders have been cycling, or if they also ride on the road.
