I've no idea where you can find any particular piece of gear, but I have an alternate theory for the misbehavior I was observing with my DVD player. Apparently, the latest and greatest primo, gourmet DVDs push the limits on the video bitrate. This gives great visual quality, but some DVD players can't keep up. This effect manifests itself in odd camera pans, where there's less useful information for the MPEG's motion compensation to compress the next video frame. As a result, the MPEG encoder (apparently) chooses to run at a higher bitrate. On such scenes, I'll see this jerky behavior. Then, I hit the skip-back button and watch it again with no flaws. Skip back again, and maybe there's a 30% chance of the flaw showing up.
Assuming this theory is correct, then it means that the 'progressive' business has nothing to do with the problem. This also turns out to be a great argument in favor of "home theater PCs" which can be build with 2x, 4x, or whatever higher-speed DVD drives.
The moral of the story, for me, is that when I buy my next DVD player, I'm taking Lord of the Rings along with me to see whether I can freak out the DVD player.