The plan was for the time to get displayed somewhere useful for release 1.0. I've got a player here running 1.0 and I don't see the time anywhere.. so I guess it's going to be a Beta 13 feature!
To make this clear, release 1.0 is going to be preloaded onto players from Monday onwards (players going out early in the week will be loaded with 12C because they were actually manufactured last week) and we will only change the preload version if there's an important bug fix or new consumer release.
In the mean time, Beta releases will continue to be posted to the web site on a regular basis - so players out of the box will be running stable software, but if you want the latest whizzy stuff you can download it.
Release 1.0, by the way, is essentially RC1 with a couple of minor fixes. It probably won't be worth downloading by those already running RC1, but will be worth getting by those on Beta12 or earlier. It should be up on the web site on Monday - keep an eye open for the announcement.
Everyone confused now?
