
AT&T is starting to piss me off. Here's the deal, being in Louisiana, My provider was Suncom. AT&T bought out Suncom. So now I'm an AT&T customer, no big deal. Well, 2 years ago I bought a Nokia 7160 phone (non-soc-locked). It IS TDMA 1800, and it has been working on Suncom's network for 2.5 years, but NOW since AT&T has bought it out, they're telling me that my phone is incompatible. They are switching to GSM in March of next year, so I doubt they're switching any towers around. ANY way, long story short, they're calling me at LEAST 3 times a day, telling me I have to change my phone. I've called customer service 5 times, every time they insist my phone should have stopped working 3 weeks ago, dispite the fact that I'm talking to them on it. Seems I know more about their system than every tech support guy I talk to. I am THIS close to changing unless they stop calling me.
