The latest bleeding edge 2.1 Milestone 3 of Eclipse has OS X support, but it's still pretty beta (well, really it's SWT, the windowing toolkit that beta on OS X). It's useable, but it's got some flakiness about it. It's supposed to be a lot better in M4 which should be out at the end of this week/early next week.
I haven't looked for a JMF for OS X ... I'll have to look around and see. JMF on Mac has always been a weird thing, because Apple decided to ignore the JMF "standard" (standard in the Sun sense, which is just declare an API and call it standard) and created Quicktime For Java, which is basically a Java wrapper around the Quicktime API's. It's really unfortunate that Sun didn't work with one of the only companies (other than Microsoft) on Earth that had a media API before they made theirs.