So your explanation for how to use Wintel effectively for non-``expert''s is to only use two applications in order to keep your computer from crashing?

That's at least as stupid as not being able to express one's problems any better than ``I don't get it.''

I'll give you that there are fewer PoS freeware applications for Macs, but 90% of the real things that you want to do on Wintel you can do on a Mac, and a few that you can't. In addition, 90% of those things you can do by simply doing them. You don't have to dork with the registry to get your digital camera to work, etc.

Microsoft wants you to know how to change your oil, replace your brake rotors, and rebuild your transmission in order to drive your car. Apple wants you to know how to turn the ignition and put it in drive, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any brakes or tranmission there. They simply work without you having to dork with them.

Try actually using a Mac before you bash the hell out of them, next time.
Bitt Faulk