I am still in the Christmas spirit at the moment so the sale continues. For now.....

I also have quite a few seconds of Smoke lenses that I will let go for $10 ea. + S&H ($4.50 US, $5.50 Int) They are still usable since you can't see the problems with them when they are installed. There are quite a few so if you want one go ahead and Paypal to [email protected] for how many you want plus S&H. Make sure to include your address and how many you want in the message area. If I end up running out before I get home (like that'll happen) Your order will be refunded.

I am also still feeling out for how much interest there is for the vinyl mask to do the Magic Marker Mod. So far only 2 people seem interested in it. If you are you need to email me and tell me so. My address is the same that you Paypal to. You can also find contact info on my site and in my profile.
Steve DarkStorm Designs