Size does matter...

I mean, 256MB isn't bad, but if the firmware tests with cards up to 512, that means I might be able to get one of these cards and have about 640MB on the player - almost enough for a full MP3 CD. Or the first Harry Potter book without having to re-encode it down to squash it in.

Normally, I would have gone for a hard drive player if I needed something that was more portable than the empeg. But I needed something nice & small, that would also handle a lot of abuse, dropping, getting lost, etc. The flash players are idea for that, because it is so compact and because there is so little that can be damaged.

Ah. I have found some info. Tracing... Nice!!! Definately more space, and tested with the latest firmware!!! Now if I can only find someone who has them in stock...

Okay... It looks like I will have to add the 512MB flash card to my "list" along with the 80GB hard drives... Everyone I have checked has them on backorder.

Edited by pgrzelak (12/12/2002 05:23)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs