I was just wondering, if 'MPTagger' could cause the problems and uploaded 12 mp3s to the empeg - 4 continuous tracks in 3 versions:

v1: just after lame - no tags at all
command for encoding was:
lame -b 160 --nogap track01.wav track02.wav track03.wav track04.wav

v2: the same mp3s after using MPTagger

v3: same mp3s after using MP3 Tag Studio instead of MPTagger

But I realized it wasn't worth to create v2+v3, because it already happened with v1 - those files that just came out of lame, with no tags in them at all. I had gaps between tracks of all 3 versions.

And it's absolutely not 'hardly noticable' pauses - they were about 1 second long when I just tested it.

It seems there's 2 types of pauses I get: 1sec without a W, and 2-5sec WITH the W (didn't see the W today, but it happens...!).