Gigabit? When I started at uni, one of the three 'Computer Network Labs' didn't even have a network. Apparently there wasn't a staff member that had the time to set it up and install it.
Another lab had just been upgraded to UTP from co-ax and a lecturer went on for most of an hour on how this was better and showed how the university was slowly but surely updating its computer facilities.
All the labs had basic PCs supplied by local system builders (same as most UK schools). Quite a few had CD writers, but only because they were as cheap as read-only drives. All monitors were cheap and nasty and did my eyes in. Proper desks were rare, so if you got a 17" monitor it was at the expense of space for the keyboard and mouse.
Wireless networks were non-existent - that would actually provide the students with a useful resource and we can't have that. Although to be fair, so few students had laptops or could afford to put a wireless card in them anyway that it wasn't worth it.