I'd be willing to help with some coding if needed. I'm a C/C++ developer by trade. One thing I'd would really want to see in the new player is some sort of 'FAVORITES' display, which display the last 4 or 5 played album, and songs. Since the current player makes it quite tedious to get around. Also, I really feel that the original developers really blew it in terms of useability in a moving car while driving. Why, oh why do they scroll horizonontally? That's such a poor idea, since it takes much longer to show the same info that could be displayed vertically, and it takes more of your attention away from driving. And if you have a lot of playlists, like me, it takes forever to scroll through them. There should be an option to allow either horizontal or vertical scrolling of playlist selection. That way everyone can be happy.

I would love to see a fully customizable player app.