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Without sounding like I'm whining (I'm not!), would it not be 'fairer' to limit it to one per person from the first batch to allow the maximum number of owners to experience the wonders of radio? I mean, it'd be so annoying not getting one from the first batch, but knowing that there's people out there who managed to get two!

I agree, at the end of the day, everyone should be able to get their hands on a tuner if they want it. I personally spend a fair bit of time 'on-site' and usually only manage to log on in the evening. By limiting the maximum number of units to one in the first batch, then theoretically that means 50 different people can get to experience the tuner. Obviously someone could cheat by ordering two with different credit cards and different delivery addresses but that would probably take a lot more effort than waiting to get another from the next batch.

BTW, pca, well done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by marria01 (18/12/2002 04:40)

Andy M