I got this one today:
Hi, my name is XXX XXXX.the reason for this email is to
ask you if it would be ok with you if my grandson could have
one of your company t-shirts ( x-large ) with your name
or "logo" on it? he has had a head injury and stays close to
home because he has seizers. he is a big boy,and a very
private kid. his best friend's uncle is a salesman and sends
his friend a lot of different promotional t-shirts. so I thought I
would see if I could get my grandson a few from some
unique companys. anyway, if you do have such a thing,and
would not mind if XXXX had one,that would be great.he loves
to get any kind of package with his name on it.if not I
completely understand. thank you for your time and have a
great holiday season . XXX XXXX-- XXXX XXXX,XXX
I really like free t-shirts, but this is taking it too far.