This, to me, brings up an interesting thought... We really haven't had any real "movements" in rock music since the grunge days of the early 90's. There were some minor diversions in this direction and that, like the rap/rock combo stuff of Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit, or the boy-band/pop idol stuff of NSync and Britney. But really, popular music has had no real direction for the last decade. I'm finding myself wondering what this decade will be remembered for when we look back on it... I know I'm jumping the gun a little here since it's only 2003, but by 1993, we kinda already had a feel for where rock was headed... As of this moment in time, I can't see any kind of dominant movement in popular music. Not that it's a bad thing to have a lot of different things going on, but really, there's not much going on at all, if you ask me, and that Top 10 listing just confirms what I've been thinking.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff