The performance stats on various sites seem to imply that 16" will actually perform better on most roads, and 17" is only worthwhile on track days.

Sigh... As if it really mattered.

Dammit, I'm coming off all negative and holier-than-thou, and that isn't what I want to do at all.

Now, I know that every person on this bbs (myself included) knows for an absolute certainty that he is (a) among the top 1 or 2% in the entire world when it comes to driving ability; and (b) is among the top 1 or 2 persons in the entire world when it comes to making love.

Well, I hate to tell you guys this, but you're deluding yourselves. (Not me -- I actually am in that 1 or 2 percent/persons group.)

I doubt very seriously that there is one person among us who could even tell the difference in the way the car drove with 17" wheels vs 16" wheels -- much less exploit that difference for a performance advantage. And even if he could, chances are that he would never find the opportunity to do so.

But, I know where you're coming from on this: there is a lot of satisfaction in just knowing your car has the potential even if you never actually have the skill or opportunity to use it. I mean, my ShoWagon is a pretty kick-ass sleeper of a car, but other than a few straight-line acceleration runs I've never actually done anything with it that a bone-stock Taurus wagon couldn't have done.

My recommendation would be to put the wheels/tires on it that look the best and give you the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling inside when you look at the car. You'll be happier in the long run.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"