Old thread.

I just bought 10.2 and, while I'm impressed with a number of things (not the least of which being able to run some 10.2-only apps), speed is not one of them. It appears to be paging way more than under 10.1. I'm starting to think that I've got way too little memory in my iBook (as opposed to simply too little) and am considering upgrading it. I can get a 512MB SODIMM for right at US$100 (pretty cheap), but I don't want to spend it if it's not going to help at all. Right now, I've got 192MB, and that 512MB stick would replace the 128MB stick I've got in there now to bring me up to 576MB.

How much memory do you have in your iBook, and does your seem to page out to disk a lot (grind the hard drive when it should just be accessing memory)?
Bitt Faulk