Sometimes I can be a total and complete retard. I gotta admit I dont hang out here on the forums as much as I should, and I am probably way way behind on a lot of the discussions..

I am running beta 2-13 and the latest hijack so dont flame me just yet. But after reading this thread a lightbulb flickered on in my head.. someone correct me if I am wrong.

Would it not be possible to use the clone utility, copy all of the data with the operating system and everything, and make a mirror image to another laptop drive? The point being that if/when my current drive fails (and it will, its a mechanical device) all I would need to do would be swap the drives and I am back in business. Right? I cant afford to buy another player as a backup at this time, but drives are much more within my price range, and are probably going to be the piece that fails first anyway..

My only catch is my MKII is one of the early ones, with two 6 gig drives. Will the clone util copy data from both drives to, lets say, one 20 gig laptop drive?
Carl Aydelotte Dallas Texas USA empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green