For what it's worth, I recently decided to give my Canon Powershot G1 to my sister and get a brand new Powershot G3. It's a great camera. I took a bunch of good pictures with it, and then managed to break it by dropping it. Canon wants $150 to fix it for me. Not to say that any other camera would have a better chance of surviving the same damage.

Still, I'm planning to pay the money. For the "prosumer" category of cameras, I still think the G3 is the best camera. The winning features for me were:

- fancy flash support (including 1st or 2nd curtain sync)
- raw mode (with software for XP and Mac, plus some free software)
- low-light focus assist lamp (oddly missing from Nikon prosumer cameras)
- all manner of adjustments, including pixel-closeups to help you manual focus

No other non-SLR camera had all those features. Just be sure not to drop it!