Well, perhaps I didn't state my case clearly then.

I already own a fine laptop, that being the Thinkpad A30p. It has a beautiful 15" screen, and it plays DVD just fine.

The problem, however, is that it is just too big. A 15" screen won't "fly" well in coach when the moron in front of you insists on reclining their seat all the way back. I would be lucky to get the Thinkpad open past say, 45 degrees.

I rented a 7" player from a booth at the airport I was flying out of, and it was brilliant (both in the concept, and the device I was rented - all for about $25 with a movie no less!). I could rent again, and still probably be ahead of the game financially, but at some point, I could have directed all of that cash towards a new unit of my own.

I have lived long enough to have arrived at the conclusion that buying a "multifunction" device for everything possible leaves it half-assed at everything it does. Case in point, those aggravating "All in one" Fax/Printer/Scanner devices. They are the most annoying. Sure, they do it all, but nothing well.

I am focused on buying task-specific equipment that performs the intended function flawlessly.

Excuse my sarcasm, I just was hoping to hear from someone that owned one, and had some input. I very much appreciate the idea of buying a used laptop for this, because they are roughly the same money, but I already have a killer laptop, and I don't need another.

What I am discovering is that among the portables, there are some difficult choices. Some can handle homebrew DVD-R, some cant, some have a video in provision, some do not, etc.

Thanks for the input though...
