Relax, it will be 1984 in a few years. Nobody can stop it. It's progress. It's a relentless march of innovation which will be used to enslave the human race all for the purpose of the neurosis of the feeble minded humans in power. Whoever decided that one feeble minded human should have power over the rest of them, was a fool. And we are paying the consequences.

So, yes, eveyone knows everything about you. As long as you are aware of that, that's the best you can do. Enjoy what freedoms you have.

Now, the scary thing as I see it is how our freedoms (not our privacy) erode away. Like those people in Germany didn't get too terribly pissed off when they were asked to wear little gold stars on their clothes. And nobody in the book 1984 seemed to mind that food was rationed or that they had to do forced exercises every morning. That's because those changes happened graudally enough for people not to notice.

It's the gradual degredation of freedom that scares me. Children are born into this world not knowing the freedoms their grandparents had. Their grandparents were free to eat food grown on the free range. The children are forced to eat geneticaly altered, farmed, steralized, unnatural, preserved, biological slop. Ok, so the (united states) grandmothers couldn't vote and the kids can; that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how the grandparents could close a deal with a handshake and the children have to worry about the threat of litigation if the most infinite detail of a transaction is not recorded.

So, like in the book 1984, we will all be held hostige by our government, for no reason but that the government falls prey to the same human insufficiencies and inabilities that everyone else does. The scary thing is, they are closing our prison cell door so slowly that nobody notices.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set