The place I'm currently using for colocation is great. They specialise in ASP hosting, and I'm his smallest customer. I'm getting away with $125/mbits 95% average and 3U (2 servers) for $200 a month.

I've seen prices for less all over the country, but I wanted my $3000 investments closer to me. For instance in some places in Miami you can get $60mbit/s per month.

1Mbit/s usually translates out to 316GByte of total bandwidth per month. I average about 100Kbit/s on both of my boxen.

The next place that would offer that to me in the Denver area was $500+

Right now I'm using a 2U for my main box, dual Athlon MP 1900's, and my 1U box is a PIII 800.

I've been super impressed by my colocation, and this is the third one I've been with in a year, but I'll be with this guy for a while.

You really shouldn't be paying more than $50 per U at most, and average should be around $35 per U, here in the states at least. For the UK I've seen around 40
- Damien - Mk2a 24G Blue SN: 120001043